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Agrupamento de Escolas de Águeda Sul

Partner Information

Agrupamento de Escolas de Águeda Sul

Address: Largo Dr. António Breda, 3750-106 Águeda

Phone Number: 234 600 540



Contact Person:  Ana Sofia T. Pereira

Agrupamento de Escolas Águeda Sul (AEAS) was established on June 28, 2012 and has its headquarters at Marques de Castilho Secondary School (3rd cycle, regular and professional secondary).


AEAS contains the school centers : Aguada de Cima (1º, 2º e 3º Cycles), Fermentelos (Pre-school, 1.º, 2.º e 3.º Ciycle) and Bacic School of Espinhel, Aguada de Baixo and António Graça in Barrô, Basic Schools of Óis in Ribeira and Travassô.


Active Cross-sectoral Cooperation for Educational and Social Success
Erasmus+ Programme – KA2 – School field
Development of Innovation


Viale Europa snc – 64023 Mosciano S.Angelo (TE) - Italy


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