IO1-Typological Model of students at risk of ESL, based on situational and personal factors school-related
The basic assumption is that the phenomenology of ESL has a strong subjective component and that this component is influenced by situation (quality of communication with others; self-representation in the school context, learning experience, not alignment among student learning strategies and teaching methods etc..).
It will composed of TWO innovative solutions:
1 - Research on the interrelationships among:
a) ESL;
b) system of school interactions;
c) learning and teaching practices.
2 - Typological Model built on qualitative indicators/descriptors of ESL risk factors with three macro-items:
ESL multifactorial: the voice of the students; Motivations; Subjective meanings of school experiences, relationships and communication quality; Non-formal learning practices and strategies.
Supportive teachers: communication and interpersonal skills; Teaching strategies and practices;
Typological model of the target groups at risk of ESL: Types and characteristics; Risk factors and indicators; Protective factors.